Overcoming Internal Resistance

I recently listened to the “War of Art” by Steven Pressfield and watched the netflix show ” The Mind, Explained” by the way, if you are interested in getting better I highly recommend both. In these programs the author and the show provides the insight that our greatest resistance at getting things done, does not come from the outside but from within. During this podcast with Niv, we explore ways to overcome this internal resistance. How are we able to deal with it, and how can we work with it so that instead of a drag, we use it as a motivation. Let us know what you think.

Interview with Kyle

This past week we had the opportunity to talk with Kyle about productivity, what makes him productive, which techniques work and what is the vision that keeps him motivated. We had a great time talking with Kyle about productivity and hope you too!.

Interview with Rajdeep Saha

For this episode we had the honor to interview Raj, and ask him a series of questions regarding how he stays so productive. As a Parent, a Sr. Architect at AWS, a Professor at Udemy and Pluralsight. Here are some of the questions we asked : How do you manage a side gig, gym and working on a demanding job? What tools do you use to stay productive? How do you prioritize? Let us know what you think?

Effective Communication

So much of being productive, is the ability to communicate well, not only verbally but in writing as well. Niv and I took a look at this topic to understand more about it. What makes someone an effective communicator? What skills and experiences do you need to have? Here are the articles we reviewed:



Personal OKRs

OKrs is a framework that was first spear headed by Andy Grove from Intel in the early 1970’s. It is a simple yet effective at making organizations not only meet their goals but go beyond what we think was possible. It is what many successful companies like Google, My Fitness Pal, Remind and many others have used to take their teams to the next level. In this conversation Niv and I take OKRs and make them personal. How can individuals take advantage of this powerful framework and makes themselves productive with their goal setting. Let us know what you think.

Becoming Resilient

Resilient is an essential ingredient of successful productive people. From time to time, we don’t worship people that perform well when things are good, but those who perform when things are tough. If we think of baseball we idolize the cludge hitters, the people that can deliver when it matters most, the team that is losing and the hit that turns the game around. For this topic Niv and I discuss two interesting articles from HBR and NY Times, please take a listen and let us know what you think.