Productivity Apps

In order to become more efficient we all need a little help to get going. In this podcast Niv and I review multiple apps available. We provided our perspective in terms of what works for us and which apps provide you with the best tools based on what you are looking to improve. Take a listen and let us know what you think!

Taking Time Off

When it comes to productivity just like sleep, there is a lot of talk of just pushing through and to keep going. There is also talk about that there is no time off when you want to reach the top. However research just like sleep tells us otherwise! If we balance time off we are able to produce so much more than those that choose to not take it. Take it a listen and let us know.


Some inspirational speakers believe that sleep is overrated. Well I am here to prove them wrong and to tell you that sleep is as essential as food, and without it you will not be able to give your your best at whatever you do. Niv and I attack this topic by discussing the ideas of the author of “why we sleep” and other interesting articles.

Habit Formation

When it comes to productivity we want to automate as much as possible, why? because it allows to do more. Habit formation is one of form to make our auctions automatic, without thinking. Imagine driving was we have mastered the skill it allows to do more, such as listen to music and even have a full conversation. Take a listen to what Niv and I have to say about the topic.

Recovering From SetBacks

This is probably one of the most important podcast that I have done. We all get burst of energy and motivation to get started, such as new years or after an event, or even a motivation speech. The issue becomes on how do we recover?. Niv and I dive been to a series of topics. Take a listen let us know what you think!


In this podcast, Niv and I discuss the importance of exercise to productivity. Why it is essential and sometimes overlooked are some of the topics we explore. Take a listen and let us know what you think.

We really appreciate your comments!

Embracing Ambiguity

When dealing with unknowns we tend to get intimidated. Psychology has taught us that our brains like predictable outcomes, if not we tend to walk away. This is the reason why so many of us don’t like math. It requires us to break major problems into parts before we can determine the solution.

How can we overcome the anxiety of ambiguity? Are there frameworks to deal with it? How can I tackle ambiguity gracefully?

What is ambiguity?

Based on the Oxford dictionary: “The quality of being open to more than one interpretation;inexactness.”


We know that ambiguity is a problem, however what makes ambiguity more difficult than a problem is that we might not know the type of problem initially.

E.g how many police officers are there in the US.? Or how many flights are active at the moment in the world? How big is the ocean? While a proper google search might give you the answer instantly, that will not be the case if you are tasked to solve what has not been solved before. If you want to feel comfortable with ambiguity this is the scope of questions you need to feel comfortable.


  • Narrow your scope: if the problem is to solve world hunger. First try in your town, then your county, then your state. Move up progressively until you reach your final destination, even if you are assuming. Another term used is to start small. 
  • Reframe your problem: look for the opportunity that uncertainty brings, for example during COVID a lot of people thought it was a total loss, yet virtual and online companies thrived generating profits never acquired before. 
  • Define the values: when looking at ambiguity look at the value, say you are looking at a new job, is it remote or in the office? Beyond money, what other aspects do you care about the most? Perhaps more time with family? More time doing the things that you love. 


Employers nowadays love math majors, and computer scientists not because of the skills they gain during school, but because these people tend to be attracted to problem solving. Issues attract them, and solving them is joy rather than a chore.

With today’s problems, such as an ever growing traffic on top of a growing population will need new ways to look at problems that have not been tried before. We have to embrace uncertainty like our friend, welcome it and discover what it may have for us. 


Checkout the conversation Niv and I had around planning, the importance in becoming productive. What are the challenges? What are the benefits? Take a listen and let us know what you think.