Becoming Resilient

Resilient is an essential ingredient of successful productive people. From time to time, we don’t worship people that perform well when things are good, but those who perform when things are tough. If we think of baseball we idolize the cludge hitters, the people that can deliver when it matters most, the team that is losing and the hit that turns the game around. For this topic Niv and I discuss two interesting articles from HBR and NY Times, please take a listen and let us know what you think.

Interview with David

We have officially kicked off Season 3 with interviews with productivity masters, our podcast has really taken the next step. Today we get the chance to Interview David Campana- a Banking Executive with over 25 years of experience. I hope you guys are able to enjoy listening to this conversation as much as we did.

Putting you Calendar to work

We can make a list of all the things we want to do, the reality is if you do not schedule those TODOs it will be difficult for them to get done. In this podcast Niv and I explain how essential is to use a calendar to plan your task and schedule your day. take a listen and let us know what you think? Of course don’t forget to like and subscribe to our podcast in the apple store.

Finding Time

We are all busy, and sometimes it feels very difficult to find time to be productive, at home or in the office. Niv and I took the time to read a few articles on time management and how you can make the best of your time. Whether you are a busy parent juggling multiple kids and work, or you are a busy professional trying to climb the corporate ladder. Take a listen and let us know.

Office Setup

When we think of productivity we forget that how important the setup is. Whether you are a creative professional or a knowledge worker the way your workstation is setup can make you 20% + Productive. Niv and I researched the internet for articles about this topic. Take a listen and let us know what you think! don’t forget to subscribe! Please leave your comments below and let us know what you think!

Productivity Apps

In order to become more efficient we all need a little help to get going. In this podcast Niv and I review multiple apps available. We provided our perspective in terms of what works for us and which apps provide you with the best tools based on what you are looking to improve. Take a listen and let us know what you think!

Taking Time Off

When it comes to productivity just like sleep, there is a lot of talk of just pushing through and to keep going. There is also talk about that there is no time off when you want to reach the top. However research just like sleep tells us otherwise! If we balance time off we are able to produce so much more than those that choose to not take it. Take it a listen and let us know.


Some inspirational speakers believe that sleep is overrated. Well I am here to prove them wrong and to tell you that sleep is as essential as food, and without it you will not be able to give your your best at whatever you do. Niv and I attack this topic by discussing the ideas of the author of “why we sleep” and other interesting articles.

Habit Formation

When it comes to productivity we want to automate as much as possible, why? because it allows to do more. Habit formation is one of form to make our auctions automatic, without thinking. Imagine driving was we have mastered the skill it allows to do more, such as listen to music and even have a full conversation. Take a listen to what Niv and I have to say about the topic.

Recovering From SetBacks

This is probably one of the most important podcast that I have done. We all get burst of energy and motivation to get started, such as new years or after an event, or even a motivation speech. The issue becomes on how do we recover?. Niv and I dive been to a series of topics. Take a listen let us know what you think!